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Stand: 1113
  • Importer
  • Convenience store
  • Forecourt retailer
  • Garden centre
  • Independent retailer, delicatessen & farm shop
  • Online retailer
  • Supermarket & multiple retailer
  • Vending
  • Vegetarian
  • Ready to drink
  • Long-life
  • Drink
  • Chilled
  • Plant based
  • Juice, cordials & smoothies
  • Health, Organic & Natural
  • Vegan

Wow Cacao's Super Hydrating Cacao Water is a revolutionary beverage that offers a tantalising alternative to coconut water and traditional drinks. Sourced from the lush flesh that envelops the cacao bean, this innovative water is not only refreshing but also boasts a wealth of health benefits. It’s packed with antioxidants, naturally hydrating, and completely free of added sweeteners, making it a guilt-free choice for health-conscious consumers. Light and crisp in taste, it's poised to become a new favorite for those seeking hydration with a nutritious twist.


United Kingdom


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