17 - 19 March 2025
ExceL London

Exhibitor List


Stand: 2850e
다소미는 프리미엄 한국식품을 유럽과 세계에 수출하는 유통전문회사 입니다. 주요 수출제품으로는 냉동김밥, 만두류, 액상차, 떡만두국과 핫도그 제품이 큰 인기를 얻고 있습니다. 그리고 2025년부터 금산을 활용한 고려인삼주(720ml)를 새롭게 선보이고 있습니다. 저희 다소미를 통하여 세계인이 좋아하는 다양한 한식제품들을 손쉽게 만나보세요.

Dasomi is a specialized distribution company that exports premium Korean food products to Europe and worldwide. Our main export products include frozen kimbap, various dumplings, liquid teas, rice cake soup (tteok-manduguk), and hot dogs, which have gained great popularity. Starting in 2025, we are introducing a new product: Goryeo Ginseng Liquor (720ml) made with Geumsan ginseng. Discover a wide range of Korean food products loved by people around the globe, easily accessible through Dasomi!


1130 Beoman-ro,
Korea, Republic of
Vegan Kimbap
Vegan Kimbap Chili Paste Kimbap Japchae Kimbap Burdock Root & Fried Tofu Kimbap
Korean Dumpling MANDU - VEGAN
Korean Dumpling Mandu Vegetable Kimchi Japchae
Liquid Tea
Liquid Tea Plum Tea Ginger Tea Yuzu Tea Aloe Tea
Korean Corn Dog
Corn Dog with Chicken Breast Sausage. - Potato Corn Dog- Crispy Corn Dog
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