Pastificio F.lli Iozzino
Stand: 1610c
Our family mill was amongst the first in the valley and in 1797 our ancestor, Marcantonio Iozzino, started to work the wheat in that mill producing an high quality pasta.
Since then Gragnano pasta has been part of our family tradition.
Since then Gragnano pasta has been part of our family tradition.
In order to get PGI certification, pasta must be produced with Gragnano spring waters.
The production has to follow a certain disciplinary provided, and that's the only way to be part of that market niche that will make us stand out with a high quality product.
Our pasta is a very simple product, made with two ingredients only: 100% Italian durum wheat semolina flour and Gragnano spring water.
Before proceeding with the production, semolina flour gets sifted to check in its purity.
Our pasta it's produced with bronze die to get various shapes and dried at low temperature in static cells.
We give great importance to the 'slowness', not to the 'production speed': drying, cooling and stabilizing are the three phases in which pasta rests between 24 and 60 hours, depending on the shape we want to achieve.
Thanks to the quality of the ingredients and the respect towards the drying times that our pasta has that particular consistency and coarseness, necessary for any kind of condiment's combination.
When cooked, its consistency is firm and elastic with the best tightness, it has a distinguished durum wheat flavor and a delicate scent of wheat.
Pastificio F.lli Iozzino srlVia Castellammare, 130
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