17 - 19 March 2025
ExceL London

Exhibitor List

Wipasz S.A.

Stand: 3160
Wipasz is the biggest Polish producer of animal feed and the leader in the production of fresh chicken meat. Wipasz operates its own farms, under the unique concept of Green Farms Scheme, putting the highest priority on the highest animal welfare and sustainability. The company has 100% of Polish capital and over 30 years of experience in the agri-food market. 
Wipasz stands for the quality, proved by many general certificates like: BRC, IFS, QAFP, QS, VLOG, ITW, Smeta, as well as the third parties audits, as: Mc Donald, KFC, LIDL, etc. Wipasz operates five feed mills, producing the feed for chicken, pigs, cattles, even rabbits and snails. Feeds are produced with the highest quality grains sourcing from local farmers.
Wipasz Green Farm is a long-term investment that sets the only right direction for animal breeding. The lower density, access to the daylight, enriched environment, natural feed and no antibiotic usage is what Wipasz Green Farms stand for. The supervisory of the farms are done by Wipasz own Veterinarian Teams.
Wipasz runs two slaughter plants and a further processing facilities. Slaughtering weekly 3 milions birds, Wipasz is an acknowledged market leader. Our products are being regularly delivered to the main retail chains in Europe, as well as Horeca and industry customers. Wipasz products are exported to over 80 countries worldwide.


Wipasz S.A.
Wadąg 9
Ready To Cook and Grill
Our Ready To Cook series are balanced ready-to-cook dishes developed by a team of acclaimed chefs. Our barbecue products include shashliks, schnitzels, wings, steaks, and thigh meat available in 9 dif …
Our offer includes whole muscle and formed products, prepared in various coating and marinade systems.
Fresh and frozen meat
Our offer includes all items, in the form of both fresh and frozen meat. We offer fresh, chilled items in the following packaging: bulk, VAC, and MAP.
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