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Sustainability Pioneers: Global Food And Drink Companies Setting The Standard

27 Mar 2024
Future Food Stage
NPD , Retail
Creating and managing your sustainability business strategies can be overwhelming and expensive. What should we be prioritising? Where do we even begin? Sometimes the best advice can come from those who have already begun the journey and can share both pitfalls and highlights. Join our sustainability champions as they discuss how they created company sustainability iniaitives, how these plans have benefitted them commercially and whats next for 2024.
Domini Hogg, Founder & CEO - Tried & Supplied
Ed Ayton, Sustainability & Ethics Advisor - Abel & Cole
Nick Turner, CEO - Rubies in the Rubble
Charles Redfern, Founder - Organico Realfoods/Fish4Ever
Sandrine Ricard, Deputy Director of Sustainability & Responsibility - Pernod Ricard

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