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Antipodes Gin Co.

Stand: 3611
  • Foodservice
  • Contract caterer & corporate events
  • Leisure, sports & venue catering
  • Public sector catering
  • Travel catering
  • Hospitality
  • Full service restaurant
  • Pub, bar & club
  • Importer
  • Retail
  • Forecourt retailer
  • Independent retailer, delicatessen & farm shop
  • Online retailer
  • Supermarket & multiple retailer
  • Wine, beer & spirit retailer
  • Wholesale & Distribution
  • Distribution
  • Wholesale
  • Minibar & travel catering
  • Drink
  • Spirits & liquers
  • Long-life
  • International Pavilions
  • Plant based
  • Ambient
  • Sustainable
  • Food & Drink (Goods)
  • Gluten-free
  • Food & Drink (Foodservice)
  • Organic
  • Summer
  • Exporter
  • Wine, Beer & Spirit Retailer
  • Dairy-free
  • Vegan
Antipodes Gin Co.

Australia’s first certified organic and certified sustainable distillery.

As spirits enthusiasts increasingly turn their attention to sustainability, The Antipodes Gin Company Pty Ltd stands at the forefront of this movement. We recognise that the modern gin drinker is not only seeking a sophisticated drink but also a brand that shares their values. Our spirits offer the perfect blend of taste and conscience, appealing to those who appreciate the finer things in life without compromising on their commitment to a sustainable future.

Our founding principle.
- Begin as you mean to go on – low impact, sustainable and delicious

This is reflected in our two core platforms of being Certified Organic and Certified Sustainable (Certified Sustainable Processor PC24001).
Since 2015 we have planted more than 11,800 trees in the Western Australia, Yarra Yarra Biodiversity corridor.
At the start of 2024 we became the first distillery in Australia to be ’Certified Sustainable’. An important step on our journey and strong recognition of how we build sustainability into everything that we do.

We are poised to export into new markets having completed a succesful crowd source funding raise in Australia, governement export grant access to new markets and a delicious product that has a unique positiong not seen from Australia in the spirits category.

Lets make the Antipodes journey together.




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  • The Antipodes Gin Co.

    11 Mar 2024 Shane Reid
    Australia's first certified organic, sustainable and carbon neutral spirits company.  
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