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DJ & A Pty Ltd.

Stand: 3611
  • Food
  • Snacks & Confectionery
  • Crisps
  • Minibar & travel catering
  • Kosher
  • Long-life
  • International Pavilions
  • Plant based
  • Association
  • Food & Drink (Goods)
  • Vegetarian
  • Supermarket / Multiple Retailer
  • Importer
  • Convenience Store
  • Online Retailer
  • Halal
  • Distribution
  • Independent Retailer / Delicatessen / Farm Shop
  • Vending
  • Vegan
  • Forecourt Retailer

We're DJ&A, and our story is all about making snacking an awesome experience
through innovation.
Right from the start, we've been on a mission to make snacking way more exciting.
We don't settle for the same old thing; we're all about pushing the boundaries.
We've got a real taste for doing things exceptionally well, and that means we're
always up for trying new stuff.
We search all over the world ingredients, team up with cool chefs, and use the latest
tech to create snacks that are seriously amazing.
We're not just big in one place; we're known all around the world. We've got more
than 100 incredible snacks available in 37 different countries, so our snacks have fans
We're proud of what we've achieved so far, but our journey isn't over. We want you
to be part of it as we keep innovating and making snacking even more awesome, one
delicious bite at a time.
DJ&A - where snacking meets innovation, and it's just plain awesome




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