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Lizzy's Cakes and Bakes LTD

Stand: 3073
  • Food & Drink (Goods)
  • Distribution
  • Wholesale
  • Leisure / Sports / Venue Catering
  • Public Sector Catering – Education, Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Armed Forces
  • Travel Catering
  • Forecourt Retailer
  • Independent Retailer / Delicatessen / Farm Shop
  • Online Retailer
  • Supermarket / Multiple Retailer
  • Minibar & travel catering
  • Hospitality
  • Private & white labelling
  • Plant based
  • Foodservice
  • Ambient
  • Services
  • Food
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegetarian
  • Egg-free
  • Retail
  • Bakery, Snacks & Confectionery
  • Wholesale & Distribution
  • Milk-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Vegan
Lizzy's Cakes and Bakes LTD

Lizzy's Cakes and Bakes are a manufacturer of handmade baked goods, including some GF and Vegan options. We also produce own label products for some of our customers, and are BRC accredited. 


United Kingdom



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  • Lizzy's Virtual Exhibtion

    23 Jan 2024 ellie judd
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