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Mr. Makhana

Stand: 1112
  • Food & Drink (Foodservice)
  • Food & Drink (Goods)
  • Distribution
  • Importer
  • Exporter
  • Artisan, speciality & fine
  • D2C-Direct-to-consumer
  • Gift food
  • Minibar & travel catering
  • Organic
  • Plant based
  • Private & white labelling
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian
  • Indian
  • Health, Organic & Natural
  • Importer
  • Retail
  • Convenience store
  • Forecourt retailer
  • Independent retailer, delicatessen & farm shop
  • Instore catering
  • Online retailer
  • Supermarket & multiple retailer
  • Vending
  • Wine, beer & spirit retailer
  • Wholesale & Distribution
  • Buying groups & consortia
  • Cash & carry
  • Distribution
  • Wholesale
Mr. Makhana

Mr Makhana is a rapidly growing Indian snack food brand specialising in roasted and flavoured makhana (fox nuts). Founded in 2017, Mr Makhana has quickly gained popularity for its healthy and delicious take on this traditional Indian snack. Our products are made with high-quality ingredients and roasted in olive oil. Our company offers a variety of flavors, including plain, cheese, butter, tomato, lime and chili, and piri piri. Mr Makhana products are available online and in all retail stores across India and are also expanding into international markets. Mr Makhana's commitment to quality and innovation has made it a leading brand in the healthy snacking market. The company's products are a great choice for people who are looking for a delicious and nutritious snack option. Made with whole, natural ingredients Roasted in olive oil Low in cholesterol, fat, and sodium Good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins




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