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Novel Foods Ltd

Stand: 1110
  • Public sector catering
  • Travel catering
  • Pub, bar & club
  • Café & coffee shop
  • Snack bar
  • Convenience store
  • Online retailer
  • Supermarket & multiple retailer
  • Wine, beer & spirit retailer
  • Buying groups & consortia
  • Cash & carry
  • Wholesale
  • Minibar & travel catering
  • Travel Catering
  • Baked confectionery
  • Pub / Bar / Club
  • Plant based
  • Ambient
  • Sustainable
  • Free-from
  • Food & Drink (Goods)
  • Health, Organic & Natural
  • Gluten-free
  • Nut-free
  • Supermarket / Multiple Retailer
  • Nuts
  • Convenience Store
  • Online Retailer
  • Food to go
  • Exporter
  • Wine, Beer & Spirit Retailer
  • Vegan
  • Crisps
Novel Foods Ltd

Novel Foods is dedicated to revolutionising the snacking experience. We craft a diverse range of delicious, guilt-free snacks that cater to various dietary needs, ensuring everyone can enjoy them without worry. We proudly present two distinct brands, Indulge and Primadeli. Indulge delights with flavourful gluten-free corn snacks, while Primadeli brings the flavours of Italy with its delectable snack breads. Each bite reflects our commitment to quality, flavour, and sustainability. Join us in redefining snacking with our delicious and environmentally friendly options.


United Kingdom


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