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06 Feb 2024

Pea Mince Cottage Pie

Novo Farina Ltd Stand: 1359

🔸 Directions for use:
1️⃣ Hydrate in stock/water
2️⃣ Soak for 20 minutes
3️⃣ Use as you would a ‘normal’ meat product


2 tsp olive oil
Pinch of sea salt
180g dried pea mince, rehydrated
1 red onion finely chopped
1 celery stick finely chopped
1 carrot peeled and finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
400ml vegetable stock
1 tbsp sun dried tomato paste (or finely chopped sundried tomatoes on oil)
500g passata
200g green lentils, cooked
3 tsp mixed herbs

900g potato cut into chunks, boiled in salted water and then mashed with 2 tsp of plant butter and a splash of plant milk.

1. Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).

2. In a large pan, heat 2 teaspoons of olive oil over medium heat. Add a pinch of sea salt, rehydrated dried pea mince, finely chopped red onion, celery stick, carrot, and crushed garlic cloves. Cook for about 5 minutes until the vegetables are softened.

3. Add vegetable stock, sun-dried tomato paste (or finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes in oil), herbs and passata and lentils to the pan. Stir well to combine all the ingredients. Bring the mixture to a simmer and cook for another 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

4. While the filling is simmering, prepare the topping. Boil the potato chunks in salted water until they are tender. Drain the potatoes and return them to the pot. Mash the potatoes with 2 teaspoons of plant butter and a splash of plant milk until smooth and creamy.

5. Transfer the filling mixture to a pie dish or casserole dish. Spread the mashed potato topping evenly over the filling, covering it completely.

6. Place the pie dish in the preheated oven and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the filling is bubbling. 

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