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Maison Georges Larnicol Stand: 3651a
Photo ©Hélène Le Bloas/Maison Georges Larnicol

Created in 2003 by Meilleur Ouvrier de France Georges Larnicol, the Kouignette® (Registered Trademark) was inspired by the Breton cake known as Kouign Amann and became our flagship product.

Kouignettes® are crispy on the edge and soft on the inside and can be heated at room temperature or heated in a oven or a pan. 

Available in several flavours, they can be eaten alone or prepared as plated dessert.


  • Food
  • Sweet goods
  • Viennoiserie
  • Food to go
  • Chocolate
  • Artisan, speciality & fine
  • Chilled
  • Frozen
  • Gift food
  • Minibar & travel catering
  • Breakfast
  • Celebration
  • On the go
  • Snacking
  • French

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