17 - 19 March 2025
ExceL London


Ruth Dolby

Ruth Dolby

Director, Food Science Fusion
Ruth Dolby FIFST is a Cordon Bleu and Home Economist who has worked in the food industry for 40 years. Her experience is across food sectors covering all angles of New Product Development, Ingredient Application, Machinery and Research for entrepreneurs, research groups, diversifying farmers, food service, manufacturing, and retailers. Her practical approach and hands-on development have given her the experience to balance business acumen with applying new technical and cutting-edge scientific discoveries launching a succession of commercial products. Ruth has is a judge for the Q Awards as well as for grant funding bodies and a panel member at FDReviews Experts. She is currently as Associate of Nutrition at the University of Nottingham; she founded and leads Food Science Fusion, a company offering practical product development services and mentoring incorporating “How Many Beans?” delivering training for entrepreneurs and growing food businesses on the best path From Thought to Fork.

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